The Asbury University 2023 Revival
The concept of "revival" in the Holy Scriptures is used to describe a powerful spiritual awakening or renewal among a community or a group of people. It is frequently viewed as a means of bringing God and his characters into a person's life.
Asbury University, a Christian liberal arts university in Wilmore, Kentucky, has a rich history of spiritual revivals on its campus. The most recent resurgence began on February 8, 2023, and the moment has continued nonstop for weeks in what many participants call a "revival."

Can the Asbury University movement be described as a ‘revival'?
Before drawing any firm conclusions, we must first introduce all the facts. Asbury University Revival can be identified with several biblical hallmarks of true revivals, such as an engagement in worship, a rekindled zeal for God, personal transformation, campus community testimonies, and a focus on evangelism and outreach. In addition, the university saw a rise in the number of students going into ministry or missions work, and many students felt called to the ministry.
While all of these are ancillary indications of a revival, the following biblical indicators can help us determine whether or not one is genuine:
Conviction: Revival undoubtedly begins with a deep conviction of sin. True revivals are always characterised by the power of the Spirit, which results in an overwhelming sense of God's presence and a realisation of the wretched condition of humanity. This realisation is never possible from a human perspective. A revival of the Spirit makes people acutely aware of their own spiritual brevity and breaks them under the weight of God's holiness. In accordance with the Acts of the apostles, everyone who heard Peter's message was deeply moved by their recognition of sin and made the decision to give up their old ways right away. Acts 2:37 - Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
Repentance: In a revival, repentance immediately follows conviction. A repentant heart admits the guilt, expresses sincere sorrow for one's sin, and decides to abstain from it. The Ninevites in the book of Jonah repented and fasted in response to Jonah's warning of approaching judgment, and as a result, God showed mercy to them. Jonah 3:5-10 - The people of Nineveh responded to Jonah's message of impending judgment with repentance and fasting, which resulted in God's mercy being shown to them.
Hunger for God and His holiness: A genuine revival is marked by a rekindled passion and hunger for God. The early church committed themselves to prayer and the study of the Bible, and they also experienced the presence and power of the Holy Spirit among them, as can be seen in the book of Acts. Acts 2:42-47 - The early church devoted themselves to prayer, the study of Scripture, and fellowship, and experienced the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their midst.
Transformation and its fruits: A true revival will lead to transformation in individuals and communities as they are renewed in their minds and transformed in their behaviour. This can be seen in the story of Zacchaeus, who, after encountering Jesus, pledged to give half of his possessions to the poor and repay anyone he cheated four times over. Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Unity in the body: As believers gather to seek God's face and experience His presence, revival frequently fosters a sense of unity and fellowship among them. Being one body, a cohesive function towards one common goal contrasted with a diversity of gifts and empowerment is a hallmark of revivals. Acts 4:32 - "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had."
Evangelism as an extension: A sincere revival is frequently accompanied by a reignited enthusiasm for evangelism and a desire to communicate the good news of Jesus to others. The early church boldly preached the gospel, and as a result, many people professed faith in Jesus. This is illustrated in the book of Acts. Acts 4:31 - After praying for boldness, the early church continued to proclaim the gospel with great power and many people came to faith in Jesus as a result.
What distinguishes a deceptive revival?
A deceptive revival is characterised by a superficial display of religious fervour that ultimately lacks a sincere commitment to spiritual growth. A false revival can take many forms, but several signs or marks may indicate a revival is not genuine. Here are some to consider
Overemphasis on the human leader or movement: Jesus Christ is the centre of everything we do, the source of our faith and true revival. A false revival may place more emphasis on a charismatic leader or a specific movement instead.
Absence or lack of emphasis on repentance: In contrast to genuine repentance and transformation, a false revival may emphasise subjective feelings, outward manifestations of spirituality, or signs and wonders.
Disregard for sound doctrine: A false revival may downplay the significance of sound doctrine and place more emphasis on individualised revelation or subjective experiences.
Lack of long-lasting fruit: Instead of bringing about a lasting transformation in people's lives and communities, a false revival may produce fleeting enthusiasm or transient behavioural changes.
Lack of obedience to God's Word and Spirit: In a false revival, there may be a disregard for God's Word and a lack of obedience to the Holy Spirit's guidance, leading to a religion devoid of force and real spiritual fruit.
I didn't physically attend the Asbury sessions. Yet, from what I've observed on video streams and what we can infer from reports, the Asbury University 2023 movement appears to have been a potent move of God's Spirit that resulted in transformation and revival on campus and beyond. However, It is best to be described as an "awakening," which was required on college campuses. Conversely, the Asbury meetings are currently in a precarious position as a result of increased media attention, increased public interest, pushing the boundaries on more lengthy worship sessions, endorsements from dubious leaders, and recent incidents of selective entry into the halls. Furthermore, when the music fades, the remnant holiness will testify. It is uncertain if the Asbury Sessions can maintain its zeal and relevance or if it will ultimately succumb to the pressures of the larger world.
It's important to note that discerning whether a revival is genuine or false can be difficult, and ultimately it is up to God to judge the true nature and impact of a revival. But as truth seekers, we should seek God's wisdom, test everything against His Word, and be open to correction and guidance from other mature believers in our community.
As believers, our role is to seek God, pray for revival, and be open to the ways in which He may choose to work.
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Ribi Kenneth
Good thoughts Pr. Kenneth, thanks for writing. The one thing seriously lacking at Asbury was the preaching of God's word. It was described by those who experienced it as an encounter with God in worship. Many people, including folks from my church went to attend this revival. I am reminded of what my mom said about this event, "one dog sees and barks.... but many dogs hear and bark."
Glory to God .....