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Discovering God's Pause: Finding Rest amid Life's Chaos

Updated: Jan 29

In our tireless quest for achievement, we often find ourselves caught up in a rat race - a nonstop frenzy of activities, deadlines, and stress. It's easy to become so engrossed in the responsibilities of daily life that we lose sight of the importance of rest. However, the timeless wisdom of Psalm 23 shines a light on a vital truth: God, in His care, grabs hold of us and actively 'makes' us lie down to rest.

The Unseen Conflict

Life's challenges can sometimes feel like a relentless storm, tossing us about without a moment to catch our breath. As responsibilities pile up and expectations loom large, the idea of hitting the pause button becomes elusive. It was in the midst of such chaos that I began to understand the significance of God's intentional intervention.

When we recognize our ignorant and elusive pursuit of rest and the divine orchestration underlying the act of lying down, the familiar lines of Psalm 23 take on a new dimension. "He makes me lie down in green pastures" refers to an intentional and compassionate intervention by a God who recognizes our need for rest even while we are unaware of it. This seems evidently ironic but profoundly true.

Embracing the Restful Journey

I found myself in the middle of a whirlwind, navigating a season that felt stretched beyond measure. The rat race of life had left me exhausted and anxious, unable to find a moment of ceasefire. It was then that I experienced firsthand the truth encapsulated in Psalm 23. In my attempt to navigate the storm, I realized I lacked the wisdom to discern when and how to find rest. It was as if God, in His mercy, gently stepped in, making me forcefully lie down in the green pastures of His provision. The intentional act of God became a testimony of His care and love amid life's chaos.

The beauty of God 'making' us lie down lies in the recognition that He knows precisely when and how to intervene. In our relentless pursuit, we might overlook the need for rest, but God, with unwavering intentionality, understands the perfect timing to bring us to a place of repose.

For anyone currently caught in the whirlwind of life's demands, take heart. Trust that even when the brakes seem elusive, God knows how to provide the rest your soul craves. Embrace the journey of surrender and discover a profound peace that surpasses understanding. The rat race might persist, but in God's hands, even the chaos becomes a canvas for His intentional and loving care.

Beware of the Enemy's Schemes

As we reflect on the profound truth that God 'makes' us lie down, it becomes crucial to acknowledge the contrast between the divine intention for rest and the relentless pace urged by the world. In the constant hum of busyness, Satan subtly whispers the allure of endless activity, hoping to keep us entangled in the never-ending race of stress and anxiety.

In His unwavering love, God, on the other hand, extends a different invitation - one of rest. The deliberate act of making us lie down is more than just a temporary reprieve; it is a gift and a promise sewn into the fabric of our relationship with Him. The promise of rest began in Genesis, where God rested and welcomed us to his rest. Even in our earthly life journey, He makes these promises come true through grace, but intentionally laying us to rest. But the message of rest doesn't end there. In the book of Hebrews, we are guaranteed an eternal rest, a rest that we have yet to fully enter. This promise emphasizes the divine aim to provide rest not just in our daily lives but the hope of glory that ushers us to complete salvation and abode with God.

Living in the Promise of Rest

In embracing the divine invitation to lie down, we find solace amid life's chaos. As we navigate the rat race, let us be vigilant against the subtle schemes of busyness that seek to distract and exhaust. Instead, cling to the promise of rest, both in the present and the future, trusting that God's intentional care surpasses the temporary allure of constant activity.

May we be inspired to pause, recognize the divine hand that 'makes' us lie down, and embrace the restful rhythm God intends for our lives. In doing so, we align ourselves with His promise of eternal rest and find a sanctuary of peace amidst the clamour of the world. Shalom! 


Published in KE Igniter, January 2024 Edtion:

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